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Ringing the Bells

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And this is the way they ring the bells in Bedlam and this is the bell-lady who comes each Tuesday morning to give us a music lesson and because the…

Red Roses

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Tommy is three and when he’s bad his mother dances with him. She puts on the record, “Red Roses for a Blue Lady” and throws him across the room. Mind…

Red Riding Hood

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Many are the deceivers: The suburban matron, proper in the supermarket, list in hand so she won’t suddenly fly, buying her Duz and Chuck Wagon dog food, meanwhile ascending from…


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A woman who loves a woman is forever young. The mentor and the student feed off each other. Many a girl had an old aunt who locked her in the…


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Coon, why did you come to this dance with a mask on? Why not the tin man and his rainbow girl? Why not Racine, his hair marcelled down to his…

Old Dwarf Heart

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True. All too true. I have never been at home in life. All my decay has taken place upon a child. Henderson the Rain King, by Saul Bellow When I…


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I’m afraid of needles. I’m tired of rubber sheets and tubes. I’m tired of faces that I don’t know and now I think that death is starting. Death starts like…


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It is snowing and death bugs me as stubborn as insomnia. The fierce bubbles of chalk, the little white lesions settle on the street outside. It is snowing and the…