And this is the way they ring the bells in Bedlam and this is the bell-lady who comes each Tuesday morning to give us a music lesson and because the…
Tommy is three and when he’s bad his mother dances with him. She puts on the record, “Red Roses for a Blue Lady” and throws him across the room. Mind…
Many are the deceivers: The suburban matron, proper in the supermarket, list in hand so she won’t suddenly fly, buying her Duz and Chuck Wagon dog food, meanwhile ascending from…
A woman who loves a woman is forever young. The mentor and the student feed off each other. Many a girl had an old aunt who locked her in the…
Coon, why did you come to this dance with a mask on? Why not the tin man and his rainbow girl? Why not Racine, his hair marcelled down to his…
Oh down at the tavern the children are singing around their round table and around me still. Did you hear what it said? I only said how there is a…
True. All too true. I have never been at home in life. All my decay has taken place upon a child. Henderson the Rain King, by Saul Bellow When I…
I’m afraid of needles. I’m tired of rubber sheets and tubes. I’m tired of faces that I don’t know and now I think that death is starting. Death starts like…
It is snowing and death bugs me as stubborn as insomnia. The fierce bubbles of chalk, the little white lesions settle on the street outside. It is snowing and the…
Busy, with an idea for a code, I write signals hurrying from left to right, or right to left, by obscure routes, for my own reasons; taking a word like…